P M SHRI Kendriya Vidyalaya No 3, Gwalior’s library is a very important part of the Vidyalaya. The library has a good collection of books and other reading materials and well equipped with modern facilities like Air conditioned library hall, comfortable seating arrangements, desktop computers, tablet personnel computers and interactive panel etc for the use of students and teachers.
At present, there are more than 6500 books are available on different subjects in library for students and teachers. In this collection, library has academic books like subject reference books, text books for all classes etc and general books like story books, encyclopaedias, atlas, yearbooks and many more in Hindi and English. The library has also subscribed 26 Magazines 05 Newspapers in Hindi and English. The students and teachers can issue the books and magazines of their interest as per KVS library policy. In addition there are class libraries also established for primary sections.
Apart of above, the library has a DIGITAL LIBRARY SECTION. In this section, 08 desktop computers, 10 tablet personnel computers and 01 interactive panel with high speed internet facilities and printer are available to its users. The Digital Library also has more than 300 e-Books collection to read online at anywhere or any time. All library services like accessioning, bar-coding and circulation of library books are doing on e-Granthalaya 4.0 (web version) software provided by NIC, New Delhi. This software provides the online platform to the library services and all users can access the library database with the help of internet. The library also has a blog on internet to provide information of library activities and other work.
The Library also provides many services like circulation of library books, quiz on current affairs, storytelling, book’s review in morning assembly, exhibition of new arrivals, formation of Reader’s Club, videos on subject related topics, guidance & counselling etc as per the library policy of KVS (HQ), New Delhi.