NCC/Scout & Guides
Scout and guide activities in PM Shri Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 3 in the session 2023 2024
- Weekly Activities: Various activities like scout and guide activities, prayer, flag song, rules, pledge and various physical exercises, BP six etc. were conducted every week in the school. Cub Bulbul was taught various physical and mental activities like Cub Bulbul songs etc.
- Second Sopan Camp:- Second Sopan Camp was organized at the school level from 3/11/2023 to 4/11/2024 which was led by Mr. Lokendra Yadav (Scout Master) and Mrs. Mohini Soni (Guide Captain) and all the trained scouts. And did it with the help of guide teachers. In this camp, students participated in various activities like study of second step syllabus, daily activities, physical exercises etc.
- Four (4) guides and 8 scouts from the school participated in the division level third step camp and completed it successfully.
- One student participated in the divisional level state award camp and completed it successfully.
- In the division level Cub Bulbul Camp, students from the school participated and achieved success.
- Various activities like cleanliness drive, tree plantation, World Thinking Day, International Peace Day, National Youth Day, National Unity Day etc. were celebrated from time to time at the school level.